Retirement estate to adopt RTMF’s Manager Selection Process

Victoria Park Esher

Victoria Place, Esher becomes the latest Retirement Estate to replace Peverel Retirement with an agent of their own choosing, using the RTMF’s bespoke service to help retired leaseholders.

On 13 February 2015 the management of the site passed to Millstream Management, a managing agent specialising in the management of retirement property.

Apart from attending presentations by their chosen management companies and voting in the selection process, leaseholder participation at Victoria Place was minimal.

All decisions in selection of new agents were made democratically and transparently by the company, with no one pressurised or excluded. The appointment of the new management company was democratically determined by a members Selection Committee. The invitation to join this committee was open to all members of the RTM company .

Victoria Place resident and RTM Director Geoff Walker said “The selection process proved to be relatively easy based on your comprehensive questionnaire to each of the invited tenderer’s backed up by our 10 point list. The only difficult part was making a decision choosing between the two company’s who made the short list, we felt that either would have met our expectations so it was a good position to be in. All in all the whole experience of taking up our Right to Manage using RTMF proved to be trouble free, and made simple a process that would have been much more difficult had we elected to effect the change ourselves. Thank you for being there to guide us when needed”.

The RTMF has been providing this no-cost RTM service to retired leaseholders for over nine years now, and to date we have impartially assisted around 70 retirement blocks (over 2700 retirement flats) choose who manages their premises.

We most certainly do not recommend that retired residents manage themselves, but use RTM legislation to enable them to end their landlord’s monopoly and appoint a professional management company of their own choosing.


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